Establishment of Lang & Pfeiffer GbR
Leasing of our first production space of 100 m² at the Ansbach Technology & Innovation Centre
Commencement of production on 3 older Arburg machines
Formation of the limited company (GmbH) with the shareholders Bastian Lang and Thomas Pfeiffer
Purchase of the first new Arburg A570 injection moulding machine
Certification in accordance with ISO 9001
Expansion to 7 injection moulding machines and 7 employees
Purchase of a 4,500 m² plot of land for construction phase 1

Move to our new portal production building and office building with an area of 1,250 m²
Expansion to 16 injection moulding machines and 18 employees
Purchase of another 6,500 m² for production, logistics and office space
Purchase of a new ERP system in conjunction with a host computer system
Move to our new production portal building
Purchase of a Werth Scope Check Pro measuring machine
Purchase of 3 more injection moulding machines, including an Arburg 920S

Expansion of production by two 60–150 to. machines.
Extension of the outdoor storage area by 1,000 m², including a cold store for packaging and granules
Purchase of a new 2K injection moulding machine (Arburg 570A)
Introduction of the CAQ system Babtec
Purchase of one more injection moulding machine
- Acquisition of 3D printer ”Ultimaker S5”

- Modernization of the machinery by acquisition of 4 new machines
- At present, 27 injection moulding machines and 50 employees
- Cooperation with company Kittmann Technische Produkte - co-development of a reusable yoghurt lid

Lang & Pfeiffer GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality injection mouldings in the Ansbach region. We not only plan and manufacture prototypes and mass-produced parts made of plastic on premises covering an area of about 2,500 square metres, we are also a holistic contact partner for the implementation of innovative solutions according to your individual specifications.
Many branches of industries, such as the automotive industry, medical technology and electrical engineering, benefit from our know-how. The satisfaction of our customers is the most important aim of Lang & Pfeiffer GmbH. Our work has been based on this principle ever since our formation in 2003.

Lang & Pfeiffer GmbH • Nikolaus-Otto-Straße 1 • 91522 Ansbach • Tel. +49 981 / 20 36 55 80 • Telefax +49 981 / 20 36 55 890 • E-Mail: info@langundpfeiffer.de